MementoMixinYou can add, undo or redo a state using the Memento Pattern. This means that you can return to the previous state using the method undo() and also advance with the method redo().
class CounterStore extends StreamStore<Exception, int> with MementoMixin {}
HydratedMixinA mixin which automatically persists and restores store state.
Step 1: Use in your store.class CounterStore extends StreamStore<Exception, CounterState> with HydratedMixin {}
Step 2: Add a Serializable contract in your State class.Only necessary if your state is not a primitive type, such as int.
class CounterState implements Serializable<CounterState> { final int value; CounterState(this.value);
@override Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {'value': value};
@override CounterState fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) => CounterState(map['value']);}
Step 3: Implements a HydratedDelegate or use hydrated_triple.Add the package hydrated_triple in pubspec`s project add set delegate:
void main() {
will be true when it`s ready.